Find IT vulnerabilities
before hackers will
Orbit scans on-premise and cloud IT infrastructure for cybersecurity attack vectors, offers actionable intelligence and measures for fixing them before they are exploited.

Effectiveness Winner

Next-gen Cybersecurity

Orbit provides next-gen vulnerability detection, monitoring IT infrastructure with much higher frequency than manual inspection while retaining high-quality results. Having one of these is not enough!

Without the Premium

Competitive Offer.

Today's cyberthreads must be addressed quickly and adequately. Orbit is the only platform offering high effectiveness without the in-class premium, providing first-rate performance with competitive conditions.




Autonomous Discovery of IT Resources

Complex and dynamically changing IT infrastructures make it challenging to keep track of deployed servers, virtual machines, containers and SaaS applications, let alone installing cybersecurity monitoring. Point Orbit to your environment and it will autonomously discover exposed systems and start monitoring them.

Reduce Noise, Enhance Signal

Orbit adaptively chooses the adequate tool to scan every of your attack surfaces. This reduces false-positives and brings more specific, relevant issues to light. Duplicates and repeated data points are automatically squashed into one, enriched with contextual information and knowledge on how to fix vulnerabilities.


Integrated Issue Management

Traditionally, issues raised from a cybersecurity audit are collected in paper reports where they may be lost from track. Validation that the fixes have been applied correcly is missing. Orbit automatically opens issues from vulnerabilities, suggests a priorization, tracks the fixing process and rescans them for validation.

Human Quality, Machine Speed

Cybersecurity audits are still often performed by specialists, take several hours to days, are conducted infrequently and checks may be forgotten. In a World where hackers exploit vulnerabilities within hours - too quickly for the classical audit model. Orbit scans complete IT-infrastructures in the matter of minutes, up to several times a day, outpacing attackers.


Bleeding Edge Vulnerability Data

Orbit integrates several vulnerability databases and updates them continuously. As soon as new vulnerabilities become available, Orbit is able to scan for them on your infrastructure, before others do.

Knowledge, not Information

Attacks, however clandestine, always leave traces. When examined individually, they may look insuspicious and stay under the radar. Similarly, Zero-day attacks are undocumented and render vulnerability databases useless. Orbit connects the dots and is able to detect advanced patterns from several sources to discover even those attacks.


Use Cases

I Want To Do...

Are you not sure if Orbit is the right product for you? Orbit is built for a wide range for use cases and can be adapted to work for almost every situation and scale.

Attack Surface Scanning (EASM)

Continuously scan your IT infrastructure (on-premise and cloud) for cybersecurity vulnerabilities

SaaS security

Monitor SaaS applications for exposed files, endpoints or configuration errors

Leak Detection

Become alerted when stolen user credentials, configurations and user data appear on the Internet

Issue Management

Manage cybersecurity issues centrally, enrich them with bleeding-edge information to gain insights, or to fix issues

Security Team Support

Enhance your own cybersecurity teams providing them fully automated vulnerability discovery, allowing them to conduct custom analyses

I have a different problem

We are interested in your problem, get in touch with us to work out custom features!

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Frequenly Asked Questions

Why do I need Orbit?

Cyberattacks are becoming more numerous, sophisticated, and more organized. With more services running in the cloud, Internet of Things connected to enterprise networks, and work from everywhere environments, more attack surface is exposed. With Orbit, you can keep track of exposed infrastructure, systems and applications and discover and fix vulnerabilities before others do.

How much does Orbit cost?

Orbit is currently in alpha, and has therefore no fixed pricing yet, but is more favorable to competing platforms. Contact us for an offer, or check back soon for fixed prices!

How does Orbit compare to other Cloud Security Platforms?

Our competitors often focus on one security aspect, such as application or external attack surface management (EASM). Orbit is designed to cover all these aspects in one platform. Also, in many scenarios, Orbit offers the same or better performance for more competitive conditions. Contact us if you want to learn more.

I manage an IT infrastructure and have problem X with cyber security. Can Orbit help me?

Depends. Orbit is in intensive development and new features are released within the next months. Check out the use cases and contact us if your problem is not covered!

I am an IT service provider and am interested to use Orbit for one or multiple of my clients. What does Orbit offer?

We offer a custom partnership program. Contact us to learn more!